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Ex-bodybuilder hopes photos will inspire others

Body builder to body lover. This isn't your typical transformation photo. I went from being controlled by my grueling gym regimen and weighing chicken and having protein shakes in my purse to fully enjoying a social life. Some people might say this is "letting yourself go" but you can't put a price tag on happiness. I call this finding myself and realizing I can have more than one passion in life, whether it's hiking up in Glacier Park or enjoying beers with friends. A six pack didn't make me happy. I was never enough and always needing to improve. Today I went rafting with friends and enjoyed food the old me would have drooled over and wouldn't have dared to touch. Your body is quite LITERALLY the only thing that gets you through this life, your worth and joy isn't weighed by what you can lift or what the scale says. My worth is weighed by those I surround myself with and the smile on my face.  #bodylover
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, tree, sky, outdoor and nature