During the 80s and 90s, the VCR era had brought something magical to the lives of many movie buffs, where one could pause, rewind and re-watch their favorite movie moments, time and time again. We are gonna take you down memory lane of the most viewed paused movie moments of all time.
Some movie moments that was found confusing, sexy, shocking or curious to know what was that thing that just passed by or standing in the corner was paused and viewed over and over again. Now with the DVDs and Blu-Rays streaming in, this pausing and viewing have become more exciting, thrilling and easier. Though there are thousands of such movie moments, we have selected the most viewed paused movie moments. Sometimes freeze-framing a flick is necessary.
Here are 30 of those most viewed movie moments, which is gonna take you down memory lane.
30. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
When Phoebe Cates exits the pool in her tiny red bikini before removing it completely was one of the most viewed pause movie moment of that time.
29. Basic Instinct (1992)
Sharon Stone’s character crosses and uncrosses her legs during an interrogation to reveal everything was most viewed and paused by almost 85% of the male population. This scene takes down many into memory lane, still.
28. Scanners (1981)
One of the most viewed and paused movie moments from this mystery horror film surrounding psychic powers, where a man’s head explodes, which happens so quickly and gruesomely, it just has to be re-watched
27. Cabin in the Woods (2012)
While the scientists are betting on the outcome for the protagonists, a white board is filled with lists of monsters and villains. This moment was stopped time and time again, as viewers were curious to read what other weird creatures the lab had planned.
26. Wizard of Oz (1939)
The background of one scene in the timeless classic has caused much controversy over the years. It appears as if one of the munchkins has hung himself, but the official story is that it’s just a bird.
25. Teen Wolf (1985)
Somehow, a frame of a background actor with his pants pulled down made it into the family-friendly movie, right before the credits start to roll. People just paused and rewatched this scene many times, to make sure.
24. The Little Mermaid (1989)
When Ariel is finally getting married, something about the priest caused a few replays. There was something about the priest that didn’t seem right. A lot of people paused to have a better look at the priest.
23. Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club we’re treated to various subtle moments making many go insane, where these splicing single frames of Brad Pitt’s character, Tyler Durden randomly appears, throwing many of their senses.
22. She’s The Man (2006)
When a 19-year old Amanda Bynes lifts her shirt to show the boys that she is, in fact, a girl, teenagers across the country were smashing their pause buttons to get a glimpse of her breasts.
21. Total Recall (1990)
Arnold Schwarzenegger in this scene with this three-breasted woman that made viewers stopped-paused and viewed with uncontrollable laughter.
20. Psycho (1960)
There were plenty of pause-able moments in this classic Alfred Hitchcock horror film, but one stands out, when Norman Bates is eventually arrested, he looks directly into the camera and a human skull is superimposed over his face for just a moment.
19. Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Margot Robbie had a turn as the sex icon of a generation in this Martin Scorsese film when she induces a heart-stopping moment, where she’s wearing no panties and is unwittingly showing off to Leonardo.
18. The Lion King (1994)
Everyone knows the word “SEX” can be seen in the Disney classic. According to a statement, it’s actually “SFX” but we still have our doubts.
17. Boogie Nights (1997)
When Mark Wahlberg drops his drawers for the camera in this Paul Thomas Anderson movie inspired by the adult-film industry, audiences gasped at the size of his equipment and quickly stopped the tape to have a better look.
16. Tron (1982)
A movie filled with easter eggs for the arcade culture of the 80s, if you pause it at a certain point you can even see Pac-Man, who has really traveled through that memory lane.
15. Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
One of the movie moments of all Star Wars series was when a stormtrooper has his head smashed while coming through the door was paused and most viewed by many to see this hilarious shot.
14. Three Men and a Baby (1987)
Another Leonard Nimoy’s movie. The scene where a boy is standing behind the characters, watching from another dimension was frequently paused. Well, it turned out to be just a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson.
13. Jurassic World (2015)
While the Pterodactyls attack and terrorize the park, one man is seen saving two giant margaritas. That’s none other than Jimmy Buffett himself, This moment was watched many times.
12. Iron Man (2008)
In this scene, a prototype of Captain America’s shield sits unfinished. Chris Evans wouldn’t debut as the character for another three years. People paused and played just to confirm.
11. The Rescuers (1977)
The Disney animators put a couple of frames of a naked woman in the window the characters are flying by. Pretty innocent by today’s standards but this was 1977.