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15 Valuable Tips People Would Give Their Younger Selves

Perhaps, at least once in life, most people have a desire to return to the past in order to set the younger versions of themselves on the right path.
Bright Side familiarized itself with tips from TheQuestion users and learned that, despite all the differences, sooner or later we come to very similar conclusions.
  • You’re doing everything right! Good job! Don’t hesitate, don’t stress yourself out, and don’t think the world is cruel and no one loves you. In fact, everything’s ok!
  • I would have advised myself to not start smoking.
  • Please, find a way to sleep for 7 hours at night. You don’t need to experiment and try to be a hero.
  • I would have advised myself to pay more attention to my desires, goals, and dreams. To always think of myself first. It was in my teens that I started to ignore my desires, and now it’s difficult for me to formulate what I want. And sometimes I’m embarrassed to say I like something.
  • I would have advised myself to study more and harder because, as it turned out, I had to make up for lots of things in adulthood. Everything should be done in time. It’s easier and more effective to learn a foreign language at a young age than when you’re 30. Education means a lot in life.
  • To better prepare for entrance exams to go where you want, not where you can.
  • Don’t spend so much money on various crap.
  • Appreciate youth — it’s the most beautiful time that will never come back. Enjoy freedom, play, walk, enjoy your life. Remember this time. Later you’ll often recall it, and it’ll help you a lot in understanding and raising your children.
  • Don’t worry so much about studies, semester papers, exams. Though you’ll need your specialty, things won’t go the way that seems the most logical and natural to you now. Don’t be afraid of applying for various conferences, scholarships, training programs. It’s all real! Work and learn from those and with those who inspire you with their example.
  • Wear a hat, warm underwear, and two pairs of socks in winter. Otherwise, you’ll freeze your butt and feet, and they’ll always get cold.
  • Listen to your parents, and try to not offend them.
  • Don’t take everything that family members say about each other so closely to heart. Everyone has their own grievances and views of life. Adults are as biased as teenagers.
  • Be attentive to personal information. It’s better to delete some files or never create them. And set passwords on your PC and cell phone.
  • Break up with him right now, and forget him forever.
  • I’ll give myself only this advice: be yourself, and follow your dream no matter what. This is your life, not your parents’ or friends’. You’ll live it. If I was a little more persistent and wilful, everything would probably have been different now.